It might be a problem with your ear’s ability to conduct sound and/or your brain’s ability to process signals, or both depending on your precise symptoms.

You could be experiencing one or more of the following kinds of hearing loss:

Conductive Hearing Loss:

If you have to continuously swallow and tug on your ears, or having that “There’s something in my ear ” sensation. It’s because issues with the outer and middle ear such as fluid in the ear, earwax buildup, ear infections, or damage to your eardrum all diminish the ear’s ability to conduct sound to the brain.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss:

This impacts the inner ear. Sounds to the brain can be stopped if the auditory nerve or the hair-like nerves are damaged. Sounds can seem too soft or too loud, and sometimes sound too muddy. You’re experiencing high-frequency hearing loss, you may notice this when it’s hard to hear women and children’s voices, or can’t separate voices from the background noise.

Are you having a similar hearing experience? Call us at 671 989 TEST today to find out how we can help. #guamhearingdoctors